At NeuroHealth, your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we are committed to delivering personalised care tailored to your unique neuropsychological needs.

Our team stays at the forefront of professional developments in neuropsychology, integrating the latest research and best practices into your care.

We look forward to working with you and your family throughout this portion of your health journey, providing expert support every step of the way.

Get to know the dedicated professionals who make up the NeuroHealth team by reading their information below.



    Since a young age, Jonathan has been curious about why people act in the ways that they do and always asked questions without simple answers. Through university and clinical experience, this turned into wanting to know more specifically about how our brains work and how people respond and recover following injury.  He has always been particularly interested in cognition and individual differences in how we think, how we express thoughts, and how thinking changes over time.

    Jonathan's interest in neuropsychology began during his postgraduate study at the University of Canterbury where he was undertaking his PhD looking at predicting cognitive decline in healthy older adults. This was alongside a larger study interested in trying to halt cognitive declines and mild cognitive impairment, although he was more interested in seeing whether it was possible to identify the at-risk groups ahead of obvious difficulties presenting, which would provide the best time for any potential interventions.

    As he moved into clinical practice he continued to be interested in the area of neurorehabilitation, and particularly looking at the differences in how individuals respond to injuries and rehabilitation.

    Having completed his PhD, he started working as a Clinical Psychologist, and in 2018 he was accepted into the Neuropsychology scope of practice through the New Zealand Psychologists Board.

    Jonathan has worked at Burwood Hospital in both the Stroke Rehabilitation team and the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service. Prior to starting NeuroHealth, he worked as a senior clinical neuropsychologist concurrently for Habit Health and Advantage South.

    It was through his experiences in these areas that he wanted to bring NeuroHealth to life, a neuropsychology service that works with clients and clinicians across Canterbury.

  • PhD, PGDipClinPsych, PGCertHealSci (Clinical Rehabilitation), BSc(Hons) in psychology.

  • Snell, D. L., Faulkner, J. W., Williman, J. A., Silverberg, N. D., Theadom, A., Surgenor, L. J., … Siegert, R. J. The impact of fear avoidance on return to work outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 105, Issue 4, 2024, Page e108, ISSN 0003-9993,

    Snell, D. L., Faulkner, J. W., Williman, J. A., Silverberg, N. D., Theadom, A., Surgenor, L. J., … Siegert, R. J. (2023). Fear avoidance and return to work after mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 37(6), 541–550.

    Martin RA, Johns JK, Hackney JJ, Bourke JA, Young TJ, Nunnerley JL, Snell DL, Derrett S, Dunn JA. Early Opportunities to Explore Occupational Identity Change: Qualitative Study of Return-To-Work Experiences After Stroke. J Rehabil Med. 2023 Feb 7;55:jrm00363. doi: 10.2340/jrm.v55.4825. PMID: 36748979; PMCID: PMC9926496.

    Martin, Rachelle A. et al. ‘Vocational Wayfinding Following Spinal Cord Injury: In What Contexts, How and Why Does Early Intervention Vocational Rehabilitation Work?’ 1 Jan. 2022 : 243 – 254.

    Dunn, J.A., Hackney, J.J., Martin, R.A. et al.Development of a Programme Theory for Early Intervention Vocational Rehabilitation: A Realist Literature Review. J Occup Rehabil 31, 730–743 (2021).

    Dunn J, Martin RA, Hackney JJ, et al. Early vocational rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injury: a research protocol using realist synthesis and interviews to understand how and why it works. BMJ Open 2021; 11:e048753. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048753

    Snell, Deborah L. et al. ‘Early Vocational Rehabilitation after Spinal Cord Injury: A Survey of Service Users’. 1 Jan. 2021 : 323 – 333.

    PhD Research:

    Hackney, J. J. (2016). An investigation and feasibility study in using a multi-stage screening approach including postal screening for the early detection of mild cognitive impairment in a community sample [Doctoral dissertation, University of Canterbury]. University of Canterbury Library Catalogue.



    Leah is a Director of NeuroHealth, providing a point of contact for both patients and referring professionals to help them navigate through their neuropsychological assessment.

    Having spent 10 years working in Intensive Care as a Registered Nurse, Leah has seen first hand the devastating effects of an acute brain injury, and also the lack of rehabilitation care in our community.

    During her time in Intensive Care, Leah has represented nursing and Canterbury on both the New Zealand College of Critical Care Nursing and the Australian New Zealand Intensive Care Society's Safety and Quality committee.

    The research for her Masters of Health Science qualification focused on examining the correlation between psychological coping mechanisms and the prevalence of burnout, bullying, and psychological distress among nursing staff working in Intensive Care.

    Finally, Leah has recently served as the team leader and developer of the Health New Zealand Canterbury COVID Return to Work Team. In this capacity, she has been instrumental in supporting health professionals’ safe and sustainable reintegration into the workforce following their recovery from COVID-19 illness.

  • RN, BN, PGDipHSc (Advanced Nursing), MHSci


If you are a health professional interested in neuropsychology or rehabilitation and would like to know more about working in the expanding NeuroHealth Team, we would love to hear from you.

Contact us via the form on our contact page or email us directly at