NeuroHealth provides a range of specialised assessment services, from basic neuropsychological evaluations to complex assessments. Our assessments utilise the latest standardised tests and are tailored to meet individual needs. We use evidence-based methods to ensure that our recommendations support you and your team in your journey towards recovery and cognitive well-being.

If you have any further questions about our assessments, please check out our FAQ page or use the contact page to ask a question directly.

  • A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment involves a detailed exploration of a wide range of thinking (cognitive) functions, including memory, attention, language, problem-solving, processing speed, and multitasking.

    These assessments also explore psychological functioning and the impact of factors like low mood, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress on thinking and functioning. 

    Who benefits from this type of assessment?

    Comprehensive neuropsychological assessments are recommended after neurological events such as stroke, illness (e.g., meningitis), traumatic brain injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, hypoxia (e.g., from drowning or cardiac arrest), or as part of a comprehensive review of age-related cognitive decline.

    These assessments can also be helpful for individuals who have experienced a large number of injuries, such as repeated concussions from sports.

    How can this assessment help?

    The assessment offers a comprehensive understanding of your current cognitive abilities, paving the way for effective rehabilitation after illness or injury, facilitating a return to work, and managing age-related declines.

    From this assessment with NeuroHealth, you will receive a written report discussing your difficulties and how you have performed across cognitive tests. You will also receive a range of rehabilitation recommendations to help you in your health journey.

  • Neuropsychological assessments and screening can often identify early signs of cognitive decline, such as in Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias. These assessments can also show patterns of individual strengths and weaknesses and can then be used to show any changes over time. 

    This can be particularly helpful when people have concerns about their memory or loved ones have noted some changes. These assessments allow measurement of memory change over time. Memory Clinic assessments are often the next step after you have spoken to your GP about concerns with your memory.

    When a neuropsychological assessment shows difficulties or impairments, this can lead to recommendations to treat or work around areas of difficulty, which can be beneficial for advanced care planning.

    If your memory functioning is a concern or has declined over time, please contact us to discuss assessment options.

  • Cognitive symptoms following COVID-19 are commonly experienced. When these persist, a neuropsychological screening assessment can be useful to determine your current functioning. This can look at attention and concentration difficulties (brain fog) and how they impact memory, problem-solving, decision-making, and higher-order thinking skills.

    These assessments also explore any issues with emotional functioning, such as frustration, low mood or anxiety as part of Long COVID. These symptoms often add to the difficulty that people experience with Long COVID, but these can be treated.

    Neuropsychological screening allows an exploration of current functioning but also leads to recommendations for treatment or rehabilitation, particularly when it feels that your symptoms are not shifting over time.

    If you want to know more about these assessments or whether they might be useful for you, please contact us.


  • At NeuroHealth, we offer professional supervision to health practitioners. 

    Professional supervision involves regular meetings with an independent person outside your workplace to provide an opportunity to reflect upon your work, how you have responded to challenges in your work, and with a goal towards improvement. This gives you a chance to review your work with an independent and confidential professional, as well as to explore your reactions and feelings towards your work. This can include responses such as frustration, anxiety, excitement, discouragement, and burnout. It is also an opportunity to discuss and work through challenging situations from your work, including personal responses to these, and to collaboratively problem-solve solutions.

    Supervision provides an opportunity for developing self-reflective practice, promoting self-care, and enhancing clinical skills. It can be of significant benefit to have these conversations and an opportunity for reflection outside of your work environment and in a supportive, nonjudgmental, and confidential setting.

    Anyone can benefit from supervision if they want to promote self-aware and self-reflective work and proactively manage their well-being within a working role. This can help promote well-being and a sense of validation in a work role and prevent burnout.

    Some workplaces will fund professional supervision, often as part of Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP). At other times, individuals can choose to self-refer and self-fund for supervision. If you would like to discuss supervision options or want more information about whether this could benefit you, please contact us.